Copyright by Van Emmenis Arts.
The Great Trek or in Afrikaans "die Groot Trek" is a historical event in South Africa whereby my ancestors, the Voortrekkers or Boere as they were called decided in 1835 to leave the Cape Colony and went North. More than 10 000 with their families embarked on this mass exodus. The main reason for the great trek were their economic problems, the danger of the Xhosas who settled across the Fish river but mainly due to the conflict with the English colonial authorities.
The reason for the Stemmet's great trek is none of the above but for only one reason and that is to embark on one of my dreams, to participate at the Ironman World Triathlon Championships in Kona, Hawaii on the 10th of October.
We are about to leave for the airport to start our journey halfway across the globe. Everything is packed and we're ready to go. I can't believe but all the luggage are way within the size and weight limits. Don't know if that's still going to be the case when we return.
My long run this morning were just the opposite of my long bike yesterday. Whereby I could not find any rhythm on the bike yesterday and cut the session short, the run went super well. I could find my rhythm from the first step and it improved by the kilometer. Hope I can just have such a run on race day as I've been having the last few days.
Earlier today my mother and sister together with her friend, Gerhard gave us a farewell brunch. They all wore their Ironman supporters T-Shirts, and wished us a safe journey. It's thinks like this that make ones family so special and precious.
Luckily tomorrow is a rest day and I only need to train again on Tuesday. Going to be interesting to swim, bike and run in London. The swim venue is sorted thanks to Donna and running is not to difficult. The only downside is I will only be able to do my bike on the Hotels stationary bike. It will not be the real thing but as long as I just keep the legs turning. My next bike will be on Friday in Kona.
Well that's it for now, will have regular posts on the blog and also keep you updated om twitter( @tristemmet ) for those who's twittering.
This weeks training(tapering feels so good):
Swim: 7 km
Bike: 244.4 km
Run: 56.3 km
Totals: 15h07, 307.7 km, 11139 kcal
Painting of the ox-wagen (ossewa) done by renowned South African artist, Paula van Emmenis. Please quote underneath the photograph. Copyright by Van Emmenis Arts.